10 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I hope you make it out to Ontario on your quest for a place to live! Can I recommend a stop in Nipigon Ontario? Mayor Richard Harvey ( a great guy) can introduce you to some local craft beer (Sleeping Giant Brewing), sailing Lake Superior and the mystic Agate Beach – which as you might guess is covered in real agates and crystals. There were also some ancient rock paintings along the way near Red Rock. He showed us a huge abandoned historic hotel that was very tempting.

    Another cool spot is the Trent Hills area in Ontario – lots of craft beer, rolling hills, a long bike path and plenty of lakes for fishing. Best of all, it’s close to Toronto for easy flights to Europe and the Caribbean.

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Sometimes it’s more important to know what you don’t want, eh? I really do envy your journey, both the physical travel and all the rest that goes with it. Keep on truckin’ girlfriend!

  3. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    *Love* the skeleton map image! How wonderful to be able to step outside of time, although I totally got from your description the sense of unreality of such an exercise. Who knows, the two of you might complete some epic karmic quest and transcend at a campground one night, leaving everything behind. Like a Buddhist version of The Rapture.

    I came across Canada on the train when I was fourteen (cue images of real silver, real napkins, night time rides across the prairies in the observation car, listening to the porter singing deep South blues in the darkness). A favourite pastime during the day was to sit with eyes glued to the view whipping past and yell out “COW!” whenever one appeared to break the monotony of fenceposts and earth curving ahead and behind. Thanks for prompting that memory.

  4. Patty Rodriguez
    Patty Rodriguez at |

    Lol…I remember those trips to and thru Saskatchewan , our yearly visit to Osler and area. It definitely has to be about the people because for sure, the scenery is on repeat every mile or two. Those endless miles of crops different shades of green thru golden are beautiful….for awhile. Timmie was always a welcomed sight. I miss those trips, it seems they died with our beloved. A person really needs to take those trips again; if to only give our memories the shake up they may need.

  5. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Colleen, you’ve started my day/week with a smile or maybe a few more. Having just returned from my own “pilgrimage” to small town Saskatchewan, I could relate to your observations about these places….and those long and straight roads that never seem to end. I’m enjoying your journey and look forward to the next stop.


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