11 Responses

  1. Tammy Vig
    Tammy Vig at |

    I love your blog. Just wondering, are you actually planning on cooking meals in your tiny trailer???

  2. Lori Henry
    Lori Henry at |

    Exciting times! I’m looking forward to all the stories that will accompany this new adventure.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    What an adventure it’s going to be!
    I wish you and Kevin a lot of fun and best of luck.
    Keep us updated.

  4. Matt J
    Matt J at |

    What a wonderful adventure! I look forward to seeing where the road takes you over the months to come. Safe travels!

  5. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    I cannot wait to hear about your adventures! How exciting! I know you’re going to have an amazing year.


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