I was only gone four nights…barely five days.

But in so many other ways, it might as well have been a lifetime. As we all know, a lot can happen in a short time, especially if that time is spent on a press trip in Portland, Oregon.

For most of this past week, I was completely distracted, entertained and engaged with new people, fun activities, cool hotels and too much good food.

It wasn’t until this morning, when I woke up in my own bed, surrounded by boxes, dirty laundry and all that needs to be dealt with in our current life, that I was once again reminded that we have less than two weeks to clear out our stuff, pack a tiny trailer and become homeless.
Right then.

Hence the panic.

Naturally, instead of packing boxes or otherwise dealing with all the shit that needs to be done around here, I have instead decided to remind myself of all the lovely and wonderful people I met this week.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember all of their names (Quelle surprise!!) but I think you can see by these images that it was a wonderful cast of characters.

It’s never just about the kayaking with surfacing sturgeon and barking sea lions, cycling down a cool old railway track converted to a moss-edged trail, tasting amazing wine, tea, coffee and sake or the endless amount of groaningly good meals…for me, it’s about the wonderful people that bring passion and love to all they do.

So, thank you Portland.
You guys were a great reminder of why we’re pulling up stakes and hitting the road. We want to meet more people like you, people who are excited about what they’re doing and having fun while they’re doing it.

By May 1st, we’ll be heading south and we will most definitely be going to Oregon.
Now…please excuse me while I decide what shoes have to go in the donation pile and what the hell I’m going to do with that giant Roosevelt Elk antler on top of our bookshelf.