9 Responses

  1. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Oh Colleen, how lucky you are to have those written memories. That you can hear your friend’s voice when you scan the words on those crumpled pages. What a gift! I have held onto old letters, as well. Letters from my grandmother and even some love letters from my husband. He loves it when I remind him of those years when he was oh-so-romantic (ha!) Letters sent from my own BFF, Kathleen –some of them sent from summer camp when we were 11 or 12!! (I still remember that time I dropped my favorite angora sweater in the outhouse hole! And how I couldn’t wait to write Kathy about the moment I actually considered putting my hand down there to get it out… )

    I’m glad you have physical reminders of your dear friend. And I hope they make you smile as you think of her this week.

    Big hugs!

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    i started writing letters to my parents when i was in a convalescent home when i was 9 because i was anaemic. Since i have always liked to write letters and have kept all those that I received through the years. They are now stored in a trunk, i would not throw any away. letter writing has become, for some people a thing of the past..what a shame!
    The anniversay of Kathleen’s death corresponds also with when i lost a good friend who will never be forgotten. Unfortunately I don’t have any letters from her.

  3. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    What a beautiful post, Colleen, about the memories floating around in your head and your heart. Thank you for sharing those thoughts and feelings.

  4. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    It was Vanessa who reminded me of the anniversary of Kathleen’s death. Thank you Vanessa. Love you Colleen. Love you Vanessa.


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