5 Responses

  1. barb
    barb at |

    Great post! Makes me smile reading those deutsch words, but more importantly you have once again summed up and spoken poetically about the human condition.

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Wow. That is so great. I know exactly — I mean, exactly– how you feel! “It is a yearning for Somewhere Else; a somewhere that is more than a destination, more like an ineffable and nebulous state of longing for the Unknown.” I am tortured at times by this stuff — and have to stop and turn my brain off. Stop thinking… Stop wondering. Breathe in the now. Be totally cool with what is in this moment. And then I wander again to the “what’s next” and the “am I in the right place?”

    Oh boy.

    Thanks for sharing. Nice to feel that I’m not alone.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Oooh, that list of German words is delicious! My faves, besides the ones you have landed on, are ‘kuddelmuddel’, ‘schattenparker’ and ‘kopfkino’. Brilliant. I have already turned weltschmerz into an active verb, particularly in my ex-husband’s case… he frequently gets caught in the gap between how the world is and how he would like it to be, which I call weltschmerzen. Thanks for such an interesting post!


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