10 Responses

  1. Karen Holland
    Karen Holland at |

    I love the depth of feeling you capture in your ‘FAR’ piece. Great atmosphere!
    I am an artist at Parker Street – and have bumped into your cousin from time to time – through Parker Street Studios and a connection with Jeanne Krabbendam.

  2. Shelly Stokes
    Shelly Stokes at |

    Love this, Colleen. I can just hear you going through the thought process on this piece. Good on you for stating so bluntly the feelings so many of us have as we work though the Creative Process.

  3. Coral Thew
    Coral Thew at |


    I relate to you on this one completely!

    All those layers and feelings although buried in some ways still bubble up and make the final piece so rich and full of mystery for the viewer.

    Keep on keeping on.


  4. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Love it!

  5. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Thank you for sharing this! I loved watching it transform. It’s truly beautiful. And I appreciate getting a glimpse into your artistic process – yes, it’s just like writing, isn’t it? Pure torture!


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