6 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    Love this recipe but will make a few substitutions (corn flakes for rice krispies, pumpkin for sunflower, ground flax instead of hemp) and real dark chocolate of course. Can’t make them this week because I had a molar removed today that came out in pieces. My mouth is on fire and I’m on liquids/cold soft food for the next two days. I’ll make them next week for our trip to AZ.

    You’re right about tracing history by scanning cookbooks. Mine start with Joy of Cooking, Fanny Farmer, Canadian Mennonite (1974) Mennonite Treasury (1982?), gazillion Good Housekeeping, Microwaving, Treats to Remember from the UBC Bakeshop, and fizzle off the series Best of Bridge, as I put my faves on the computer or look up whatever.

  2. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Thank you for this latest post, and like you, Colleen, I love cookbooks, for all the same reasons you mention in this post. Unfortunately, the “Healthy Eating” ones haven’t found a spot on my shelf…yet, but that healthy looking bar is tempting me. Ethnic, and especially the “favourite recipes” of the Catholic Women’s League or the United Church Women of any home town in Saskatchewan always remind me of the women who have shared these recipes….in a good way, and make me smile. Your energy is inspiring and I wish you Happy Snowshoeing…Go…girl…go!!!


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