22 Responses

  1. Carol Carson
    Carol Carson at |

    Hi Colleen, I noticed your work at Harrison Galleries yesterday and LOVED several pieces. My attention was caught by the trumpet player first (I taught high school band and English for years), but then my eyes drifted to the orange-clad women, the old car in the corner, the teen with the bobby socks, the swirling colours and textures, and I was hooked. Chris and Jennifer told us your name but by the time we got home, I could only remember Friesen. Fortunately, that was enough to google my way to your blog. This post spoke to some of the twists and turns of my thoughts over the past few years. i read of your father and of Kathleen and I was inspired to think about friendship and whether I have the potential to be as beautiful a friend to so many as you clearly are. From that wonderfully lit shot of BC Place, I realize we travel some of the same local routes. I only wish I had seen as much of the world as you have seen. My travel has mostly been through exploring the experiences of my international students (we still keep in touch). Anyhow, no definite plans to lay out in this comment except to recognize as much incredible beauty around me as I can every single day. I’ve added your blog address to the sidebar in my own blog (bikesbirdsnbeasts). I hope to keep up with your writing, though I tend to be sporadic about leaving comments. They are either way too long or non-existent 🙂 All the best. I hope you will feel that you did indeed have traction when you look back at 2016, a year lived with gusto!

  2. Angie
    Angie at |

    I love this! I’m in! And, my word for the year is creativity. Have you listened to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic Podcast? The one with Brene Brown is incredible. I look forward to connecting with you on this plan (via the awesome hashtag). I’m putting my creative energy into my book, my blog and my home – I love the process of decluttering! I’m becoming obsessed.

  3. Jody Robbins
    Jody Robbins at |

    What a beautiful idea. I had no idea you were going through all of this. One of my goals this year is to schedule a weekly create night for my daughter and I. Life’s too short.

  4. Mary
    Mary at |

    This post is officially one of my favorites. I may print and hang somewhere I can read it again and again and again. Thank you dear.

  5. barb
    barb at |

    We live such parallel lives. i have been going through every nook and cranny to clean my space and feel elated every time i realize that there is more open space. I am creating up a storm in many different facets and it teaches me life lessons that have evaded me this past year for which i am grateful. Can’t wait to see your creations.

  6. Pamela
    Pamela at |

    Colleen this is your best post ever! And so timely considering I can start today(Jan 1st)
    52 creations 2016….. Not a new idea to me, as I annually make resolutions, and generally fall off the wagon a few months later! Is this #52 creations 2016 a blog, website, or a Twitter acct??? Twittering isn’t in my world…..so I will have to go it on my own I guess!! Do you have any suggestions to keep the ball rolling, and not getting lost in all the minutiae of everyday life?
    I am so glad I briefly met you at Emily Carr during the set up for a Jeanne Krabbendams student exhibition a couple of years ago….your positive energy encouraged me to sign up for your blog.
    Please keep your words of wisdom coming….I always treasure your posts!
    My mantra for 2016 is “CHOOSE HAPPINESS!”…. And my 52 creations a year will definitely add to that feeling
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours!

  7. Bruce
    Bruce at |

    I have had refrains of Eminem’s Cleaning out my closet …running through my head as of late. The concept of cleaning out the closet is very cathartic but not always easy. But taking it to the next level of being creative is such a positive twist. Also I think being creative helps one to not get stuck in shoulda coulda woulda camp.

    Thank you for this inspiration.

  8. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    “Because if I am happy and at peace, I am contributing to the possibility of peace for our planet.” I love this sentence. It reminds me of a phrase of Mother Teresa who said: ” You must see first that there is love at home and at you next-door neighbour’s and in the street that you live in, in the town you live in and only then outside.” “If you have love at home it can establish peace in society and in the world.” How true it sounds !
    This year I’ve decided to be more creative in the kitchen, to cook appetising meals. I’ve noticed that when I cook, I feel more homely, more feminine and it’s a feeling that I like.

  9. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    I really enjoy all your blogs.
    Your realism, true feelings is so refreshing.
    I hope you have a wonderful renewed year,
    filled with lots more life and creativity.
    hugs from afar! 🙂

  10. Donna Janke
    Donna Janke at |

    Your post reminded me of a quote from D. H. Lawrence, “We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.” I didn’t read it in a D.H. Lawrence book, instead came across it in Miriam Toew’s All My Puny Sorrows and it really resonated with me. Wishing you all the best in 2016. My creative plans include more writing, and moving into the unknown with trust and joy, not fear.


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