12 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Sometimes you can become complacent in your familiar surroundings and it takes an effort to get out of your comfort zone but curiosity always get the better of you!
    Good luck with your writing retreat.

  2. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    I think I’d like to run away to a little casita… oops I mean rent a little casita, to study the art of video making and teach myself how to make cool videos like you do. Of course I would have to find a margarita maker to be my main subject. And I probably wouldn’t get it right the first time, so I would have to drink the margaritas. Oh boy. Even imaginary life is hard.
    🙂 elixir
    ps You can always come back home. Changing our minds is not a sin. Wasting good margaritas maybe, but not changing our minds.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Congrats on pushing yourself out the door and into a totally unknown environment. I admire you very much for your sense of adventure and willingness to leave the familiar. It’s inspiring… enough so that I may begin planning an adventure of my own somewhere new.

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    You don’t sit still much and it looks like another great trip coming up!

    Love your writing, photos and now a recipe for a perfect margarita … gonna try it when we’re in Phoenix. Kevin’s quite the bartender.

    In the meantime, I’ll be an armchair traveller — not that I’m doodling my time away in an armchair as I really enjoy the gym, swimming and walking. Actually, do my best thinking when walking. I’m sure you’ll gain valuable insights, fabulous ideas and meet wonderful people on your walks in Mexico. Bon voyage!

  5. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Oh Colleen, it will be so awesome. So completely awesome. I can’t wait to hear all about what you discover in this next month. So completely envious — well you know. And beyond that “it’s not fair, why can’t I go,” I am so happy that you have the chance to explore a new place and find a new rhythm to your day for just this short time. Life is long. 30 days ain’t nothin’ girl! You got this.


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