16 Responses

  1. Dora Dueck
    Dora Dueck at |

    Thank you for this beautiful post. I’m with those urging you to submit this — Globe & Mail, National Post? Stories like this help us all as we meet people who come here from different places. —

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I was very touched by your blog. This is the question we all need to answer. Although I was appalled by what is happening in Hungary and now Croatia the response from Britain and France is not much better. Everybody seems to think it is somebody else”s problem. There needs to be a European wide solution but ultimately we are all involved in this human tragedy.

  3. Lynda
    Lynda at |

    Like Martha, I hope you send this to newspapers, though I’d start with The Globe and Mail and national rather than regional papers.

    A truck load of Syrians arriving on our streets. What an image. Kevin, too. If he arrived in Arab garb imagine the prejudice he’d endure.

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    Your story moved me to tears. You should submit it to the Vancouver Sun and/or Province, as it would open more eyes and warm more hearts. It reminded me of all the generosity and kindness shown to me when I was hitch hiking with a friend through Europe in 1966. Complete strangers gave us rides and welcomed us into their homes and fed us.

    Christine had a Muslim roommate for 3 years who was the epitome of kindness and generosity. He became a Canadian citizen and bought an apartment in Vancouver, but has returned to Dubai because his engineering degree and experience were not good enough credentials for promotion. Discrimination and fear are very difficult to overcome.

  5. AnneLise
    AnneLise at |

    I remember this trip and the questions it raised then. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Oh Colleen, what an excellent post….and so apropos right now. Your comments are such a welcome change from those who speak of a people and country they’ve never experienced. Thank you for lighting a small candle in the darkness of selfishness, fear and ignorance. B.T.W., Kevin looks great in his Bedouin garb! !

  7. Ann Skelcher
    Ann Skelcher at |

    Thank you, Colleen. Do you think you could send this to that stupid Hungarian reporter. Could she learn from your story? What is it that could make someone feel such antagonism towards a desperate stranger?

    We sure need more angels in the world right now.



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