9 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Colleen, I am sure that you’ve heard of Robert Service, the British Canadian who lived in the Yukon for many years. He wrote many poems, one of them is a favourite of ours. I am sending you the link https://www.poeticous.com/robert-w-service/im-scared-of-it-all?q=Maria
    I look forward to reading about your trip.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    The Yukon… seems so far away ! I can hear the wolves howling…. I think of Jack London and the Great North with snowy mountains and the gold rush… dreams.. dreams ..
    How I envy you !
    Enjoy your trip with your fellow writers.

  3. Matt
    Matt at |

    Nothing compares to the Sour Toe Cocktail! When I was up there in ’98, the only place to get it was the Northern Hotel.

    Have fun!

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    There’s gold in them thar hills…

    and her name is Colleen Friesen


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