14 Responses

  1. Mary
    Mary at |

    I feel your answers in my heart. Encouraging, inspiring and fun.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I love this too. From a chance encounter 4 years ago I feel that I’ve made a good friend through your blog. Keep on blogging!

  3. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    What a great post, Colleen, you big class disrupter, you. Glad to hear you haven’t changed much. Your answers are pretty much my answers, too, except no way uh uh am I ever eating a worm.

  4. Donna Janke
    Donna Janke at |

    I like how you “subverted” the rules and made the response unique to you. I can relate to your feelings about the chain letters and creating obligations, and like how you handled it. I enjoyed reading your answers to my questions. I share your feelings about blogging and that we are all one. I doubt I would have ever tried the worms.

  5. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    You’re full of surprises! I would have thought that our ride in a Mexican taxi full of hundreds of squirming red centipedes during Day of the Dead would have ranked pretty high on the unusual ( and horrifying) scale but hitting a cow with a train trumps that. I’m going to go read your Westworld story right now.

    Thanks for including me in your post – I hope our travel paths cross again soon (minus cows and centipedes)

  6. Melanie
    Melanie at |

    I love this, thanks for sharing! Makes me want to really focus on blogging!
    I love your stories, I really connect and am inspired.


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