12 Responses

  1. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    Wishing you, and your friend, lots of love, Colleen.

  2. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    A wonderful birthday wish to your friend. What a beautiful tribute to a special friendship. And so much truth in the words. You’re so right – our lives are more than the images and “status updates” scrolling through a newsfeed. There are secrets. And pain. And truths we don’t want to shine a light on. And … it IS all ridiculous! Love is what matters.

    Love you , my friend. Thinking of you today.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Reading this beautiful tribute of your friend has made me think of a good friend of mine who died of cancer in March of this year. She was 61 and died 2 weeks before her son’s 21st birthday. The cancer had spread so rapidly, she was dead within a year after being diagnosed.
    I had known her for more than 35 years. There has been so many outings, parties, laughs and joy and now I still can’t believe that I’ll never see her again. I still ask myself the question “why her?” She had such a very healthy living and had everything to live for. It seems so unjust.
    Holding on is the only thing we can do, taking with us all the happy memories and the love that we shared together.

  4. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee at |

    Crikey…you made me cry…again.

  5. Donna Janke
    Donna Janke at |

    I cried as I read this. Your tribute to Kathleen eloquently describes grief and love.

  6. barb pearson
    barb pearson at |

    Beautifully written Colleen, you were a precious friend.


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