10 Responses

  1. Dora Dueck
    Dora Dueck at |

    On the menu for tonight. No mint or basil — would fresh parsley do, do you think?

  2. Kathleen
    Kathleen at |

    Looks delish, but do you think it will turn out if I don’t have B.C. Berries?! Haha!

  3. Joan and Bill Wilcox
    Joan and Bill Wilcox at |

    lovely salad. I going to make it tomorrow venturing forward through the smog. Thanks, Coleen.

  4. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    This looks divine. DIVINE. I want it now so bring on the antioxidents.

  5. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Thanks, going to make this for dinner!

    Tried a recipe I heard about in Provincetown, MA and it was yummy.

    – watermelon, organic tomatoes, basil, feta cheese, bocconcini cheese

    Mix balsamic vinegar and honey in a saucepan and thicken. Turn off heat and move to a cold burner.

    On a long plate (per person) place as follows, layering on top:

    Swizzle of balsalmic underneath
    Triangle of watermelon
    Slice of tomato
    Basil Leaf
    Bocconcini slice
    Slide of tomato
    Slice of Feta
    Swizzle of balsamic over top


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