Forget the antioxidants and anthocyanins of blueberries.
Never mind the l-citrulline and lycopene benefits of watermelon.
Don’t even think about cucumber’s polyphenols.
Just make this salad because it’s:
- dead easy to throw together
- colourful
- delicious
- an opportunity to use the aforementioned genius-sounding words
P.S. Our local grocery store didn’t have any mint but we have basil growing in our balcony planter. I’m happy to report it was a lovely ingredient switch.
On the menu for tonight. No mint or basil — would fresh parsley do, do you think?
I think fresh parsley would rock! I doubled the basil amount (from the original mint that was called for) and would probably do the same for the parsley. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Looks delish, but do you think it will turn out if I don’t have B.C. Berries?! Haha!
Don’t worry Kathleen. BC Blueberries are exported from the province…even as far as Manitoba! I can hear your sigh of relief all the way from here
lovely salad. I going to make it tomorrow venturing forward through the smog. Thanks, Coleen.
I know you’ll love it Joan. Glad you’re going to try it.
This looks divine. DIVINE. I want it now so bring on the antioxidents.
Carol. I ate an unholy amount for lunch cuz it’s healthy right?? Takes about six seconds to make.
Thanks, going to make this for dinner!
Tried a recipe I heard about in Provincetown, MA and it was yummy.
– watermelon, organic tomatoes, basil, feta cheese, bocconcini cheese
Mix balsamic vinegar and honey in a saucepan and thicken. Turn off heat and move to a cold burner.
On a long plate (per person) place as follows, layering on top:
Swizzle of balsalmic underneath
Triangle of watermelon
Slice of tomato
Basil Leaf
Bocconcini slice
Slide of tomato
Slice of Feta
Swizzle of balsamic over top
Hey Laurie, we’ll have this salad for dinner together (although geographicaly apart:).
I made it for my lunch today and have enough left over for dinner too. My kind of salad!
I love the sound of your recipe too. There is so much fresh and lovely local fruit right now. The blueberries were ready a month earlier than they were two years ago!