8 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    If ever someone deserved and could make fantastic use of a birthday like that, it’s you! Makes my heart glad.

    The ballooning and kayaking sounds like a blast. We are back east and I just may kayak on the Charles River in Boston today or take a laser sailing lesson just to keep up with you.

    Love how you live your life… big hug

  2. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    A spa trip to Arizona sounds like a dream trip to me. It might even be worth having another birthday for, though I’ve sworn off birthdays.

  3. Martha Melling
    Martha Melling at |

    Now that’s celebrating in style! Love the photo of you with the hot air balloon. I’m guessing you didn’t have lunch outside at Queen Creek. The temp was in the mid 80s with a gentle breeze when I was there with a friend … they guys were golfing, but we thought it was a tad too warm for golf .

    How are you managing in the heat? 115F is unreal! I remember driving to LA with a friend in 1964 and stopping for gas in King City — 110F! Since she was suffering with the heat, I volunteered to drive. I got out of the car and passed out cold on the hot pavement. When I recovered, we drove to A&W for a root beer with lots of ice.

    You, on the other hand, are probably being chauffeured around in an air conditioned limo. Next week the temp is predicted to be in the mid 30s in Vancouver, so you’ll be able to cool off just a bit.

    Welcome back cousin Gemini!

  4. Ginny Vail
    Ginny Vail at |

    Heard it was your birthday. Happy day! xo:)


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