If you find yourself in Vancouver, please come visit me at the Art in the City party on the May 1st weekend.
In anticipation, I am framing photos, finishing some of my mixed-media collages and rounding up frames for some of my bigger pieces that I will have for sale at Table #13.

During this process, and just like when I’m reviewing some of my writing, I tend to have slightly contrary thoughts.
I vacillate between, “I LOVE this piece! I don’t want to sell it! I should keep it forever cuz it rocks!” to “What the hell was I thinking? Why would I put this out in public? This is shit!”
I guess what I’m saying is that everything is proceeding normally.
It seems that the only way for me to do almost anything is to throw myself into a situation and then commit to it publicly so that I have no way out. Luckily, at some point, I get so worn down by the KFKD radio chatter in my head that I get to the best place of all, that happy state where I realize that in one hundred years, ten years, one month, two weeks, tomorrow, right now, this simply won’t matter that much and that I should just do it.
Me and Nike, baby. Me and Nike.
wonderful Colleen. I love your collage! Havana Hopes. It will be sold immediately. You are an inspiration! all the best Joan.
Thanks Joan. If nothing else, it will be an experience.
Paul and I are stopping by Friday night, looking forward to it!
Yay!! Looking forward to seeing you both. Thanks Karen
I love the piece Havana Hopes, Colleen. I hope you’ll be posting more for those of us who can’t get to Vancouver on May 1. Art in the City party sounds like a lot of fun!
Thanks Lesley. I’ve never been to the Art in the City before but this is the 10th annual event so I’m guessing it’s got a good following. That being said, I have no idea what to expect
I am working on creating a gallery that will be linked to my site so you’ll be able to see everything online (soon, I hope).
I LOVE Havana Hope! I will do my best to be in the big smoke on May 1.
Dee Dee, that’d be awesome if you could come into the city for this. Never know, there could be a martini in our futures..
Brilliant piece! Best of luck with your show.
Thanks Barb. I think it’s going to be fun!
Ha! I can so relate to this!
Your work is awesome, by the way. Wishing you much success this weekend! I so wish I could be there. Take lots of pics.
Thanks Gwen. I have just under two weeks to get everything organized and we all know that the deadline is the impetus to start the project