Last week I was invited by FlipKey to co-host a Spring Getaway Twitter party.
Sadly, this did not involve a new party frock or sparkly shoes.
Instead, yesterday, between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. (Pacific Time), all I had to do was be a twit , was respond and reply to questions and other comments under the Twitter hashtag of #FKSpringVaca.
FlipKey, in case you didn’t already know, is powered by TripAdvisor (with over 60 million members, it’s the world’s largest travel review site). This association makes FlipKey a rather large rental home website, which is (unfortunately) mostly focused on American destinations.
However, being as huge as they are, they are rapidly expanding their listings. So, the opportunity to be part of this Twitter party meant I could help promote Vancouver as a Spring Getaway. Yay!
Because, as much as I love Florida, and I really do, especially the Keys, and although I think hot beach holidays are great, I believe Vancouver is a genuinely great Spring Getaway.
With pale pink cherry blossoms drifting into tiny snowbanks along the sidewalks, daffodils punching up into the blue skies and seven zillion people smiling as they cycle around the Stanley Park seawall (almost all of them jonesed up on Vancouver’s endless supply of espresso-based beverages), along with the enticing aromas from so many wonderful food trucks, the steady yells from Dragonboat paddlers in False Creek, the endless chirping birdsong…well, I just want to say that Vancouver, as a Spring Getaway, is pretty darned hard to beat.
And now that I’ve managed to par-tay like it’s 1989…who knows what’s next?
Tweet. Tweet.
PS Come visit my Facebook page where I’ve posted FlipKey’s virtual tour of Vancouver.
Oh, sorry I missed your par-tay, Colleen. Sounds fun.
Next time I’ll be sure to let you know Carol…so you have time to pick out some killer shoes.