7 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    What a beautiful piece of work… stunning to use music, spoken word, art, ideas to create something so magical and evocative. So glad you posted this!

    I like going to movies alone as well – I enjoy observing the energy in the theatre before the movie starts, the body language, hearing snatches of conversation, and then the deep darkness and a bag of popcorn I can eat as slowly as I like. Recently I saw Birdman – well, the start of it – and was able to get up and walk out without having to explain myself to anyone, or cajole a companion to leave, or sit, resentful, waiting for the end.

    It is hard when the girls are away and my wife is on another continent – years of watching my mother while away the hours horizontal on the sofa through sunny afternoons or rainy Tuesdays has primed me for inertia and I really have to PUSH against the conditioning. I admire the woman in this video and love the idea of ‘wait’….

    1. Bruce
      Bruce at |

      I respect Laurie for walking out on Birdman. I was with someone so I did not. Going to the movies alone has its benefits. 🙂

      Being alone is a learned art form. I have learned to be alone and its quite ok!!!!!

  2. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    I relish my moments of solitude. Time to listen to the universe without all the other noise!

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    There are many forms of loneliness. People who live alone might become lonely; married couples can be lonely between themselves; others can’t find any friends who share their ideas. You can be alone BUT not lonely. Some people haven’t got the need for others. I think it takes a lot of courage for a woman on her own to go to a restaurant, or night club or anywhere.
    I like to be on my own but I also like to be with people. Sometimes I feel quite lonely not living in my country and being with people who don’t really know me. It can be a clash of culture, background, way of thinking. I think there are many people out there who are lonely.


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