10 Responses

  1. Karen Gamble
    Karen Gamble at |

    Merry Christmas, Colleen! And thank you for the validation of self kindness…I have been called selfish in the past as I provided myself opportunities of fun. Moments shared with others who I enjoy being with. And as I built up this self-kindness and fun, more opportunities came my way.
    This year has been a rough one too – another marriage lost. However, the validation from my children and family have provided the kindness that I needed. And this Christmas has given me the opportunities…likely the motivation to be kind in more ways now that I am alone.
    May you and Kevin have a wonderful Christmas Season!!

  2. Bruce Parkinson
    Bruce Parkinson at |

    Love the Henry James quote. And I think you are the Dalai Lama. Or at least the Dalai Lama Ding Dong. Merry Christmas Colleen! Myself, Karen and the two boys will spend Christmas in Cuba, on the Cuba Cruise. After more than 20 years of travelling there, it should be a very exciting time, with big change finally on the horizon. It was a pleasure meeting you there this year and I hope we cross paths again.

  3. Martha
    Martha at |

    When I say hi to Monica from you and tell her that I related her title to my cousin, she will beam from ear to ear. I met her 2 weeks ago as she was slowly walking uphill. I thought she needed a rest. As we chatted in the sunshine, she let her gorgeous head scarf ease down around her neck to reveal that her hair was growing in. “Looks good, don’t you think?” I replied, “Love it!” and really meant it.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    I agree. Creating art, going for a walk and/or spreading kindness works for me too. Creating anything takes focus leaving no room for depression, self pity or being unkind. Going for a walk in the fresh air is wonderful … meeting a neighbour along the way is a bonus.

    I don’t have the opportunity to meet as many people as you, but those I meet in my neighbourhood are mostly familiar faces. Many are walking their dog so it’s easy to get introduced and start a conversation.

    Monica calls herself “the uni-bomber” because she carries a vest under her jacket stuffed with her cell phone, emergency aid for diabetes, heart condition and possibly cancer (her head is shaved). She is amazing … so positive celebrating every day with a really great attitude. Monica is also an artist and I love our conversations.

  5. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    Right on, Colleen; or write on; you nailed it, girl! It is the 19th of Dec. and I am only getting started on Christmas celebrations. Tomorrow, I may bake, start decorating,and wrapping gifts for our family gift exchange. My daughter suggested dispensing with all the gifting thing (bless her soul)_; we all have more than we need.
    As grandma, I can still indulge in filling my grandkids stockings.
    I am an organizer at heart, so need to hang loose! Gee, a glass of wine helps! Whatever will be, will be!! Looking forward to meeting you someday; Have a great holiday!


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