8 Responses

  1. gwen
    gwen at |

    Oh that liquid nitrogen. There’s nothing quite like being told not to move when a needle full of liquid nitrogen is pointed squarely at the blemish that lives on the bridge of your nose — right between your eyes! I feel your pain!

    As for the walking, it’s one of those things we take for granted, isn’t it? I hated being grounded when I broke my foot and hope that your recovery is much faster. I know you do, too! In the meantime, I know you’ll make good use of the “down time” — and I look forward to reading all about it!

    P.S. If you’re looking for a book recommendation, hit me up on email. I’m on a roll these days.

  2. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Lovely post, Colleen. Enjoy the stillness this dormant winter month, get better soon….

  3. Martha
    Martha at |

    Yikes, why didn’t he try liquid nitrogen before digging a hole? Sure hope it comes back benign. My doc has also been using liquid nitrogen but the damn things keep coming back. Being immobilized is such a bummer! When I broke my ankle (plate & 10 pins), I was unable to go for a walk for 6 weeks. It was the only time I can recall being really and truely depressed.

    You’ve got your head screwed on right with the bucket list: no checklist, no must see, no must do things … just counting your blessings. I, too, have been thinking about my Best Before Date. All we can do is do our best and leave with good memories.

    We have a niece your age who has just inherited a small fortune. She has a different bucket list. It includes expensive toys and holidays where she can sit back sipping expensive cocktails, waited on hand and foot, and be treated like a movie star.

  4. Sophie Berner
    Sophie Berner at |

    Oh Colleen, I’m soooo happy that you’re fine after your latest medical experience… How fortunate we are to have these things taken care of, and the quality and length of our lives extended so that we can enjoy those things you’ve mentioned. Have been having the same thoughts as you about the important “things” in my life (because I’m getting so bloody old!) and have come to many of the same conclusions. Your positive attitude is amazing and I can hardly wait til your next epistle appears. Keep it up girl…you’re great!!


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