“Put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morning…”
On Friday morning my husband left to go (vegetarians, please skip the following…) hunting. As it turned out, he returned on Tuesday night and declared himself more of a conservation officer than a hunter (but that story, although sad from his point of view and thrilling from the deer’s perspective), is not the story I want to share.
Anyone reading between the lines of my last few blog posts, might have noticed that life has felt like a bit of a shit-show lately. Adding to my cumulative sadness was the death of Lindor Reynolds. I first met Lindor on a Malaysian press trip and fell in love with her humour and crazy wit. She was a genuine and lovely woman and now she’s no longer on the earth.
Some other things happened on Friday and the pressure felt pretty high on the crazy-dial. It seemed that the crying wasn’t going to stop any time soon. Clearly an intervention was in order.
I called up my Inner Doctor and the prescription was simple:
-Pain demands to be felt. Sit with it. Don’t play avoiding games. Ask yourself how you’re feeling. Cry your face off.
-When you’re sick of weeping (trust me, anything that prolonged becomes a tad boring), get thineself up.
-Make plans for movies and visits with friends. Better yet, combo that plan.
-Nap every day.
-Clean a drawer. Rearrange a chair.
-In between going to movies, inhale copious amounts of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice-cream with Cocolico peanut butter and dark chocolate sauce whilst weeping through the home-viewing of Fault in Our Stars (where you are reminded again of that fabulous quote, “Pain demands to be felt”).
-Go for long walks.
-Have a girlfriend movie-date Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. (Watch real-estate-renovation ‘reality’ shows on Friday with that yummy ice-cream).
-Come home after Sunday night’s movie. Sit on the deck with a blanket. Sip a Scotch. Listen, really listen to the lashing rains. Feel the freshest most-alive breeze that ever blew out of the darkness. Be oh-so-grateful to be alive. Breathe in deeply. Feel that inhalation of oxygen reach every cell.
Thank your Inner Doctor for the fabulous prescription.

Share the prescription by writing this blog post. Smile. Wiggle your toes. Smile some more.
Life is for living. It is a gift. I’ll not only get by, but I’ll thrive – as long as I remember to take care of myself and reach out to my friends (along with the odd bowl of ice-cream).
So. Colour me curious…what does your Inner Doctor prescribe?
Great post, Colleen. The way each of us takes care of ourselves when faced when life becomes a bit of a shit-show” is unique ( remember, you’re not supposed to take other people’s prescriptions!) – but this is such a great reminder that we all have those times when life just sucks.
Thanks Gwen. So much of what makes us human is our ability to empathize and unfortunately the greatest lesson in empathy we can receive is when our lives are not going so well. Ironic isn’t it?
911…Where do I buy Tom and Jerry’s Cocolico?!
Hey Dee Dee…Cocolico is a Vancouver company that I just discovered by accident when I was looking for something better than the usual corn-syrup Smuckers topping. The peanut butter/dark-chocolate blend is divine. It too, was on the shelves of Urban Fare. Maybe you can get Clayton’s to bring it in. It’s worth it!!
911…Where do I buy Ben and Jerry’s ice cream?!
Ha! Sounds like you need the ice cream hotline:) I only have to walk about 3 minutes to Urban Fare grocery before I have a frozen tub of happiness.
You already know my inner doctor prescribed a week in Iceland.
I fly out November 4th! I’m feeling better already.
Life is precious and we know it can be over in the blink of an eye. Inner doctors are good for your health. Consult yours today.
Love & peace,
The Iceland Fan
You have one smart inner doctor Elinor. Travel is one of my key prescriptions for almost any state of being. Sounds like Iceland will be just the ticket. Everyone I know that’s been there, wants to go back. One of these days I’ll get there too…
My inner doctor prescribed lunch with The Toi.
Our inner doctors must have had a conference call because a long lunch with you was what mine prescribed too.
Oh happy coincidence! That sure worked out well…