4 Responses

  1. Matt Jackson
    Matt Jackson at |

    A touching piece, Colleen. As one who lost one of my best friends at age 27 and my own father at the green age of 29, I understand the numbness and the sense of getting lost in daily activity.

    In the ensuing journey to make sense of life it led me to one goal that I think we all struggle to achieve, but in many ways sums up (for me) the primary challenge in life: balance. It seems too much of any one thing — good or bad — can throw one’s life off-kilter.

    I think you are saying something similar when you refer to the “middle way.”

    Thanks for the post, and best of luck on your “new” writing project.

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    Whatever it takes, just don’t take a long walk off the short pier.
    You’re a caring person and an eloquent writer. You can pull anything off.


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