14 Responses

  1. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    Ha Ha. You are too funny!
    Sending you platters and bowls full of sympathy. (Do I get some chocolate now too?)

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    Well, Colleen, I don’t know how you did it. I would be in misery unless I had the fortitude to only eat half or maybe a third, but I doubt I could leave any eggs benedict or smoked salmon or pastries or fruit …it would also be insulting the host, right? And who the hell could resist all those oysters?!? Yup, I feel sorry for you.

  3. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    I was just saying to my husband that no one can understand a travel writer’s complaints unless they’re married to them. What was I thinking? Of COURSE they still don’t understand. PS Send me a chocolate. I love this blog post, one of my favourites.

  4. gwen
    gwen at |

    I love ya, but I’m with the man on this one. Sounds like you are having a horrible time…

  5. Martha
    Martha at |

    You have my heart felt sympathy, Colleen, but the Island Food Tour sounds fabulous!

    We just got back from a holiday in Spokane and Osoyoos. Breakfasts at the B&B in Osoyoos were awesome … each breakie was different. This was the last day: fresh Okanagan fruit cocktail starters with juice and coffee and chocolate banana bread followed by eggs benni (2 eggs! topped with out-of-this-world sauce!) on top of a ham slice on an English muffin accompanied by a huge mound of hash browns. Who eats that much for breakfast? Needless to say we skipped lunch.

  6. Bruce Parkinson
    Bruce Parkinson at |

    Hey Big-Mama: You’ll get absolutely no sympathy from this food lover either. None.


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