8 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I haven’t checked in for awhile so didn’t know you’d even been to St. Jacob’s! I’ve got some catching up to do. Yes, like you I’m usually fine in a church until the sermon starts. Not much has changed in terms of the punitive, judgemental God of many organized religions – I recently asked my 8 year old grandson if he was available to go to the museum with me and he replied that he couldn’t go for a few days as he had an assignment to “write down all his sins” for the priest/teacher at church and figured it might take him awhile. Honestly, how many sins could a little kid have accumulated?

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    At the heart of all religions, there are messages of kindness, generosity, peace and forgiveness. We all follow different paths, and if the path brings no harm causes no pain, we should be free to tread it.

    The story of the Rapture is a terrifying one. Why narrating this to children and make them feel inadequate, bad with a wrathful God watching over them? Fear has no place in religion.

    God is indeed Love.

  3. Cory
    Cory at |

    I LOVE this post Colleen.
    Love it. Love you.

  4. AnneLise
    AnneLise at |

    I hear what you’re saying and have to interject that God IS love. Too bad that message is delivered so badly in almost every church around.


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