4 Responses

  1. Colleen Hannegan
    Colleen Hannegan at |

    I “found” you this morning. Another Colleen down here in southern California, making another big transition in my life as a published writer, seeking fellow writers to inspire me so I don’t feel so all alone and vulnerable…though that’s what it takes at times to be..a writer! I’m thoroughly enjoying your site and blog posts, then watched you jump off that cliff in South Africa! Anyway, hello Colleen, I’ll be following your blogs and would love to keep in touch.
    Travel writing…awesome! I’ve just finished my memoir. I’ll have it in my hands this month. My writing life takes a big jump now, too. SO inspired here today! Thank you!

  2. M
    M at |

    Great travel story Colleen. And powerful metaphor. This was a very moving post.


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