14 Responses

  1. Eva (friesen) Mohammed
    Eva (friesen) Mohammed at |

    What I appreciate in your well written blogs is your up front and personal stories.You share from your heart the truth of your thoughts in a nonjudgemental form. After having read your articles I do not feel as though you have slimed me with yet another angry rant (as many do) you put your heart out there for us to see. In my humble opinion that is courage at it’s finest.
    Thank you

  2. Terry
    Terry at |

    I just got back from Saskatchewan where I got to visit with mom and dad … Both are 90 and both are in pain, mom in constant pain .
    They sit in their house and watch the young speeders squeal by and the elderly scoot by out their front window.
    From the kitchen window in back they watch the orioles squabble with the red wing blackbirds at the feeder that dad fills everyday .
    They are so lucky they still have each other to help and to bicker with!
    I can’t imagine missing them anymore than I already do. I phone or FaceTime them at least once a day and send videos of the kids.
    A lot of people told us they should have been in a home years ago…they could fall or hurt themselves cooking or doing the laundry!
    Every day at home is a blessing, enjoying the type of freedom that youth longs to have.
    Everyday is a blessing for me as well.
    Thanks for sharing.
    And by the way…Great writing!

  3. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    I so agree. I want to live my life to the fullest and then when it’s time to go, let me on that train, I’m out of here!

  4. Mary Lynne Jackson
    Mary Lynne Jackson at |

    amen to that. great article colleen.

  5. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    True words!

  6. Becca
    Becca at |

    Exactly, Colleen. I have seen far too much of this prolonged dying. I am with you all the way in this fight.

  7. Edna Yasinowski
    Edna Yasinowski at |

    Well said Colleen


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