8 Responses

  1. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Wise – and beautifully written.

  2. Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent)
    Elinor Warkentin, CTA (Cosmic Travel Agent) at |

    I’ll drink to that. Champagne, gin, tequila, whatever it takes.

    I use my sense of humour to trick Life’s Nasties (possibly twerp moments). Like today, when a friend was helping me clean my wounds from a beach reef wipeout. I’d bought everything except an antiseptic cleaner to sterilize the wound. I did have tequila, so I instructed my friend that if he didn’t double-dip the q-tip in the tequila, I could drink what was left. It worked well. I also bought Muppets bandaids, figuring why be boring?!

    So although I woke up sore after another night of not being able to sleep on my left side, my ankle swollen, upset with my lower lip quivering, by noon, between the Muppets and tequila, I felt better, thumbing my nose at Life’s Nasties.

    When life doesn’t make any sense, when everything is screwy, why not take it to the next level, stick your tongue out, smuggle that champagne into the hospital ward, and do whatever the hell you feel like to mark the moment.

    I’ve met The Eckart, I think he’d agree. 🙂

  3. Wandering Carol
    Wandering Carol at |

    I think we need to drink a glass of champagne together.

  4. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    I love the word Twerp! Surely that’s as much of a verb as twerKing? I know I am capable of twerping regularly. It’s like the happy cheep cheep of a gay little bird, only it’s not – more like a sanctimonious chest fluffing followed by an awkward squawk. Still gay though. In my case.

    Old age ain’t no place for sissies is wonderful, but I’ll admit I feel in sync with you – somedays up and ready, other days a good cry would do. So long as the feelings happen with a bit of grace I can usually manage it, but on the hard days I look in the mirror and think an extra is along for the ride… me, myself, I and That Other Gal. I try to remember to stick my tongue out at her once in a while.

    Have been thinking of you and your friend frequently, and ran into an old connection at a weekend fair who told me he is having brain surgery in 2 weeks for a large tumour. It was quite bizarre to stand in the hot sun watching his very bristly & grey eyebrows shuffling up and down and hearing him say, “I’m due to judge dog shows in Finland, Britain, and New Zealand next year, but on the other hand it is a bit strange to not know whether I’ll wake up.”

    How we humans go on with this kind of foreknowledge is a miracle, truly.


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