8 Responses

  1. Martha
    Martha at |

    So sorry for your friend’s diagnosis and the stress you’re enduring. Coke wouldn’t do it for me, but I get it about faith and not snuffing out hope. Hang with whatever gets you through this ordeal. How’s this for a cliché: hope for the best; prepare for the worst. Not really comforting but I’m no fountain of wisdom. Hugs are good, so sending you a bunch.

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Interesting your connection to San Juan Chamula, if I remember correctly they also use large bunches of basil, raw eggs and fresh chicken blood in their purification rituals. But I believe the magic ingredient is faith which seems to provide them with comfort if not a cure. But I’m so sorry to hear of your friend’s illness and am praying for a miracle. Cancer is a horrible beast. Hugs to both of you at this terrible time.

  3. Mary Lynne Jackson
    Mary Lynne Jackson at |

    been there. done that.with a very close friend right to the bitter end. so thinking of you

  4. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    I couldn’t agree more, although I would choose the more traditional sacramental beverage. I am not one for Coke. Nor for throwing up.


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