17 Responses

  1. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Happy Birthday Colleen – and no feeling of guilt. You deserve every happiness.

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    I was 16 when you were born and still remember you were such a little cutie. You turned out just great and deserve all the happiness you can cram into your head … so proud to tell my friends about you. Just carry on being you and have many more happy BDays!

  3. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    Good on u ! Am well acquainted with that “u don’t deserve it” bs. It is a natural by-product of a staunch Mennonite upbringing.

  4. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    This really is a breathtaking piece, Colleen. I’m actually sitting here with eyes smarting (great phrase, no?), thinking how incredibly clear you have been over the last couple of months, how sure your voice, those dazzling sentences. Maybe it’s because I read this piece in my email box instead of here with all the pretty distractions, I don’t know, but it just reads so spare and true and full of my own incarnated anti-heroes. You are shining up something nice at 54, and I’m coming up right after you.

  5. Amanda
    Amanda at |

    Happy birthday Colleen – what a great gift your brain gave you!

  6. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee at |

    Colleen…you put the happy back in birthday! YOU deserve all the happiness you can get…and, with that fabulous Kevin man of yours…and your deep appreciation of all things…your friends and family…YOU are getting what you richly deserve…HAPPINESS 🙂 Yay! Sending you love…xodd

  7. gwen
    gwen at |

    You are SO worthy! And you’re right, you would be the first one to scold a friend for having such thoughts! I’m glad you found peace with those thoughts–and I hope you had a fabulous birthday. You deserve it!

  8. Sharon Oddie Brown
    Sharon Oddie Brown at |

    Damn rights its Happy Birthday! My prescription – over and above what you have already done which is brilliant – would be to read All my Puny Sorrows. You will laugh so hard over descriptions of all your inherited Mennonite shit, you might even wet yourself. Then again, maybe you won’t. After all, you’re not that old, nor that young.


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