52 Responses

  1. Joan and Bill Wilcox
    Joan and Bill Wilcox at |

    Hi Colleen: It is very difficult to say good-bye to our parents. But take comfort that your Dad will never die in memory and will travel with you always. Love Joan

  2. Clay
    Clay at |

    What a wonderful tribute to a great man. I think back over the years and the stories are too many to mention, all of them good.
    The most important thing for me, is your dad was one of the key people in my life to give me an opportunity to succeed.
    He was always positive, never judgmental, showed you the way and let you run with it.
    He taught me how to work.
    The two people I owe for my business success, are my dad and Hank. Hank was a boss, a ball teammate, a business partner, a mentor, but most importantly, a friend.
    He made me a better person, I will always remember him with respect.

    Take care. Clay

  3. Mandy
    Mandy at |

    Colleen, how well he must have loved you, your entire family and so many others, that there is such an outpouring of love back to him through your writing and in the comments on that tribute. As one writer stated, there is that threshold beyond which we cannot pass quite yet. We only stand and watch our loved ones slip through, and promise to join them there one day. The joy is in the journey. Your writing shows that you cherish the memory of that journey with your father.

  4. Coral Thew
    Coral Thew at |

    My thoughts are with you at this time. Big hugs to you and yours.

  5. Calvin Adams
    Calvin Adams at |

    Saddened to hear the news. Your Dad was a very respected man in our community. He will be missed.

  6. Bud Macleod
    Bud Macleod at |

    Hi Colleen

    I am so sorry for your loss, and what a beautiful tribute to a man that was so well known in this town and liked. Your father and your family name is well respected here and you are a very Blessed daughter. Again, I’m saddened to hear of your loss.

  7. Clara Klassen
    Clara Klassen at |

    What a wonderful tribute to a very special man! I remember so many wonderful things about your father, from watching ball games with him and Gary to spending hours typing for him for annual meetings and even wonderful visits in the Menno Home. He had such a positive attitude and an incredible memory. Hold on to all the great memories.

  8. Martha
    Martha at |

    Love your tribute that sums up a great dad. He was my uncle and my fondest memories of him were made on Sunday afternoons when your whole family came to visit. I grew up on a farm with many chores so very little play time. Your dad would come outside with us kids to play baseball or hide and seek while the grownups would sit inside. He made us laugh and — most of all — feel like we mattered. He got me my first job at Meeker’s Shake Mill. It only lasted 3 days, because I was determined to leave home and find my fortune in Vancouver, but it was the thought that counts! I loved him.

  9. Stan Rempel
    Stan Rempel at |

    What a beautiful tribute to your father. You have such a gift with the written word. Even when death is expected and is even a blessing the pain of loss is still very real. We share your pain with you and fondly remember Hank. I learned many things from him both professionally as well as on a personal level. Hank lived what he believed and was an excellent example to many. He was much loved and is greatly missed. Another case of heavens gain.

  10. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    What a beautiful tribute to a dear father. So sorry, Colleen for your sad loss. I know that words are utterly futile when you are locked in pain, so I will leave it at that.
    I wish you strength, peace and love and I am thinking of you.

  11. John Alexander
    John Alexander at |

    That’s a lovely touching tribute to Hank, Colleen. We’re holding you and your family very close to our hearts today, everything else seems much less important.

  12. Kathy Provost
    Kathy Provost at |

    Your Dad was a man who lived his beliefs. He was a rare gem. I always respected and admired him. You are so fortunate to have had him as a father.

  13. Edna Yasinowski
    Edna Yasinowski at |

    So sorry for your loss … He was a dear Uncle with a good sense of humor.
    I enjoy reading your blog Colleen …

  14. Tamara Knapp
    Tamara Knapp at |

    So sorry, Colleen. He was a great man, and will be missed. Your tributes to him have been fabulous. I’ve shared them all with my folks (Eileen & Walter). Enjoy your writing so much. Thank you.

    1. Gayle
      Gayle at |

      I too am so sorry for your loss. Your dad blessed the lives of so many many individuals including my own and my family’s. A man of kindness, overwhelming generosity, integrity, just to name a few. He was a Godly man who walked the walk. He now is at peace. A job well done.

  15. sarah
    sarah at |

    Beautiful words Colleen. He truly did treat myself and my sister as family from day one. The world lost a great man today and I will always be grateful that he came into our lives.

    Thinking of you.

  16. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee at |

    ..you made me cry…you made me envious…you made me realize why you are so amazing…
    Sorry for your loss, Colleen…Heaven’s gain.

  17. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    A beautiful tribute to a remarkable man and a life lived with faith, love and fortitude. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. XOXO

  18. Laurie McConnell
    Laurie McConnell at |

    How wonderful that you were able to be there with him, walking beside him to the doorstep beyond which you could not cross… heartbreaking and powerful, and yet so disorienting. Thank you for allowing us to be with you on your journey. Biggest of buddha hugs, thinking of you so much.

  19. Ruby & Richard Dyck
    Ruby & Richard Dyck at |

    So sorry for your loss; please extend condolences to your other family members.
    What a wonderful tribute you have written in memory of a man you loved dearly!

  20. Jane
    Jane at |

    So lovely! Both you and the tribute. Take care, my friend.

  21. Becca
    Becca at |

    Colleen, what a lovely tribute. I am so sorry for this loss – you are in my heart.

  22. Doug O'Neill
    Doug O'Neill at |

    Beautifully written. It sounds like you write the way your dad lived: honestly and with heart.

    Thinking of you.


  23. Sherryll
    Sherryll at |

    Dear Colleen,

    Thank you for sharing your memories. I can say with confidence that your father’s “signature humour and optimism” are alive and well; they live and thrive inside of you.

    My deepest sympathy to you, and to all those who knew and loved him.

    ~ Sherryll

  24. Paula
    Paula at |

    So sorry for your loss. I haven’t seen your dad In many years Even though he was my uncle as well. I can so appreciate all your wonderful memories as recall many of these same experiences when I remember my father as well. Hugs to all it is never easy losing a father. Embrace your memories

  25. gwen
    gwen at |

    What a beautiful tribute. So sorry for your loss. Sounds like an incredible man. Sending big hugs your way.


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