7 Responses

  1. Laurie M
    Laurie M at |

    What a powerful piece of writing. You might want to submit it to Huffington Post Canada – very timely, and the mantra is spine-tingling for a bunch of ordinary words strung together

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I have ordered the book, will let you know my thoughts.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Yes Colleen, man never learns from the past. Thanks for suggesting the book. I’ll certainly look for it, as you know I am very interested in the environment.

    Is the photo Lake Bala?

  4. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I totally agree with your sentiment in the above piece. Man is part of nature just as much as every other species on earth. By coincidence I am just reading “The Future of Life” by E.O.Wilson where he says “GMC can diminish biological diversity in other ways. In a now famous example, the bacterial toxin used to protect corn is carried in pollen by wind currents for distances of 60 metres or more from the cultivated fields. Then, landing on milkweed plants, they are capable of killing the caterpillars of monarch butterflies feeding there”.

    GM Crops, fortunately is prohibited in Europe.

    If you haven’t already read this book, I thoroughly recommend it.


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