2 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Ahh… you have hit upon my meandering melancholy mood today. I have shown up and hunkered down and occasionally had a MINOR fit of pique (oh, they used to be majestic sturm-and-drang episodes in the days of hormonal youth) and here it is the end of a day and I have barely accomplished anything I set out to do today.

    Sideswipes out of left field, emotional dissonance rolling through the house like a percussive wave, taking each living entity in its turn… it has been exhausting. And yet still doable somehow, as I learn how to manage that erratic & dramatic ego me-ness and take it out of the equation.

    Still, I feel for the dogs, who don’t have any such high-falutin place of wisdom to retreat to in moments of severe stress – Diane quite forgot herself and put down the bowl with the dregs of tuna sandwich makings for the dogs to ‘share’ and predictably armageddon erupted upstairs… the yelling and yiping and clattering of bowl, followed by Pompidou’s stressed out involuntary old-dog poop into the middle of it all did absolutely nothing to calm my nerves or restore my sense of grace.

    Tomorrow is another day. Today I look into the fog of the hours spent revamping a client letter to get it just right (not yours, dear heart), the endless interruptions of ‘accounting day’ and think, “Oh, look at that. Thunderclouds almost coming my way. How interesting.”

    Tomorrow will likely be sunshine again, especially with you in it.


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