8 Responses

  1. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Captivating post, Colleen–happy, green new year!

  2. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Yes, nothing quite like the Pacific west coast for forest bathing where everything seems prehistoric in size and lushness. Your photos remind me of Costa Rica where everything also positively glows green. Looking forward to your forest updates

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    Once a month we work in a forest for conservation. It is hard physical work but we are rewarded by creating a suitable habitat for butterflies and insects, and sometimes we see deer. We even slept in the forest once. It was awesome. Of course these forests are nothing like the ones you have in Canada, but I agree that nature therapy is working, you’ll sleep better, you’ll feel better.
    Next time I will try saying shinrin-yoku.

  4. Mary E
    Mary E at |

    Amazing photos, and you are glowing!! What a great thing, forest bathing. I will do it more.


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