4 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    I like the quote of Herman Hesse. After reading many of Hesse’s books, in 1984 we travelled to Lugano and saw many places associated with him, including his house and the churchyard where he is buried. Hesse, although not as popular as he was in the sixties/seventies is still as relevant today.

    1. Colleen Friesen
      Colleen Friesen at |

      What a cool focus for a trip.

  2. Hitch-Hikers' Handbook
    Hitch-Hikers' Handbook at |

    Lovely photos, Colleen! We’d definitely like to visit India one day!
    If you like photography, we’d like to invite you to participate in the next edition of our popular Travel Photography Competition. Here are the details:
    Happy travels!


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