7 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Just bury me in Oaxaca Mexico where no one really dies, they just go away and return once a year for a graveside party.

  2. Martha
    Martha at |

    Got tingles listening to the Lion King music and, yes, I get the odd bout of hip hitches … almost lose my balance as the hip wants to give way. Sometimes happens 3 or 4 days in a row and then I’m good to go.

  3. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    The African music always gives me shivers down my spine…… Perhaps a long lost memory of the country of my birth and when I visited it at 18.
    Let’s indeed enjoy the ride fully!

  4. Mandy
    Mandy at |

    Oh yeah, this resonated on so MANY levels! Especially the mini-rant about saying the word dead, or died. So in denial, our western society is.

    When we were in Australia we would see signs like this, and also signs cautioning “Aged Zone”. There were islands in the intersections specifically for slow folks to rest at while trying to cross the streets. All cars were to stop if these islands were occupied, and WAIT for the slow-pokes to finish crossing. Loved it!


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