There’s hot and then there’s hot.
The weather here in Sedona is definitely the latter.
This has not stopped us from doing some utterly spectacular hikes, like the West Fork Trail that had me lolling in the creek.
There are trailheads everywhere we turn, each sandy path leading us somewhere more stunning than the next.
We’ve been up trails that lead to sacred stupas…
…while others were just filled with more Stupids.
But wherever each the path began or ended, there was one guarantee…you’d hear us laughing.
For twenty-five years, in some combination or another, we’ve managed to get away and go somewhere. We always knew that we had something special but as these years stack up, we realize just how amazing it is that we’ve pulled this trip off year after year after year.
We are women who share a huge history, deep friendship and unconditional love and tons of laughter, always lots of laughter.
We just might have to change our name.
The Stupettes?
I so admire your group for its longevity and the obvious connection. Well and the travel adventures, and and and…
If I organize a quick Time Machine, I will go back to 1988 and meet you so I can join you each year.
Hey Elinor, that time machine sounds like a pretty good plan. You would have been a great addition!
We have certainly had many adventures, not to mention some pretty big hair in the 80s! We looked through some old photos on this trip and nearly died looking at our outfits:)
I agree. It’s time. Your 25th Anniversary trip merits a name change. If you can hang together that long, you deserve something a little (a lot) more positive. You’re not stupid — crazy maybe — but surely not stupid!
Thanks for your vote of faith Martha. I read your comment while we’re waiting here at the Phoenix airport. The stupid handle is definitely done very tongue-in-cheek…mostly because we tend to behave like twelve-year olds when we get together. Crazy is definitely true too!
Laughter is my favourite workout.
Laughter is definitely the best workout with the most health benefits.