Look out Toon Town!
Saskatoon is hosting the annual Travel Media Association of Canada conference.
More importantly, I get a chance to catch up with some of my froleagues. I can’t remember who coined this term, but it’s a combo of friend + colleague.
Many of us have become more than Writers/PR/Tourism people working together. Yet, due to the nature of what we do (which is mostly sit in front of our laptops, or wait at yet another! airport gate), we rarely keep up with each other except for events like this. These are people I’ve met at other conferences or through my local BC Chapter of TMAC or on press trips (let me assure that press trips, with the non-stop togetherness and super-tight schedule, quickly weeds out who you don’t want to know and who you love…
Reconnecting with the latter is a genuine delight, and like all great friends, we immediately click into gear with each other…as if it’s only been five minutes since the last time we saw each other instead of a year or two.
There are a few things that I know for sure on this rainy Vancouver Wednesday morning:
- My carry-on bag is packed.
- All subjects are removed (there is no turning back on our house or apartment sales now!!)
- I have my Two-Zone Translink tickets to take the oh-so-perfect Canada Line to the airport.
- I am going on a trip & this, my friends, makes me happy.
- I will be checked into a new hotel. I might have mentioned I LOVE hotels?
Anything and Everything is possible, both now and forevermore. Amen.
Safe travels!
Thanks Gwen! I am already at the airport so I could have some real food before I board
No microwave sandwiches for this girl!