6 Responses

  1. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Singing is good for your health! So is looking at cute pictures of cats, I’ve heard, and it doesn’t get any sweeter than the mother lion grooming her young ones. Loved this.

  2. Catherine
    Catherine at |

    I remember the first time I went to West Africa (aged 18) I couldn’t help noticing the children – always happy, smiling, singing, dancing (they have a natural talent for it); today when I hear African music I am back in the country of my birth. I love it.
    These children had nothing but played with anything that they could find (car tyres, tin cans, sticks….) It was a lesson for me; to be satisfied with what I’ve got. Children in the West have everything and they always look so dissatisfied!

  3. Judy
    Judy at |

    LOVED this!


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