Have you laughed today?
Snorted? Guffawed? Chuckled? Smiled? Grinned? Yukked it up?
Told a joke? Watched something funny?
If you have the privilege of being around any kids, you won’t need a Psychology Today story to tell you that children laugh w-a-a-a-y more than adults – with the exception of course – of the Dalai Lama.
That ol’ Dalai is always grinnin’…which means that either he’s slightly insane, or perhaps, just perhaps, the man knows something the rest of us don’t…
He embodies Enlightenment. Joy. Peace. Love. Compassion. Happiness.
Now, I don’t want to go all earnest on you with an admonition to meditate (not today at least). So if you’re not quite ready to follow his lead and learn his secrets, how about this simple exercise?
Find something to smile about: Grin even if you don’t feel like it at first. Watch something that makes you laugh whether it’s Seinfeld or South Park. Whatever it is that cranks up your funny bone, do it; hang out with a droll friend, a giggling baby, watch a goofy dog video or read a hilarious cartoon.
Seek out the humorous. Find something/anything to laugh about (a warning – laughing can often seem perilously akin to crying. Don’t worry. Do it anyway).
Because…it could save your life.
Meanwhile, here’s something fun straight out of Manitoba (oops! Saskatchewan). Little Miss Higgins might not make you laugh out loud, but I bet a silly smile might cross your face. How can you not like a jig-hopping song about Bargain! Shop Panties? (for non-Canadians, Bargain! Shop is a value-conscious store – some might say cheap, but I prefer the more upscale words they’ve used to describe themselves – that can be found in most small Canadian towns from Newfoundland to British Columbia).
I hope Little Miss Higgins helps crank up the happy-factor in your life.