10 Responses

  1. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Super exciting! Can’t wait to see what unfolds. Plus, I love that little cabin …maybe I should create something like that here in Toronto…

  2. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    I like that “… letting go of the need to know.” Awesome. We fool ourselves into believing we really DO need to know – and I think it’s far more exciting not knowing what’s next for me.

    Let’s chat soon!

  3. Gwen
    Gwen at |

    Colleen, I am ever amazed at your ability to transform your life -yourself – so easily. I look forward to taking your lead one day and taking each day as it unfolds. I can’t even begin to explain the admiration I have for the way you see (and live) life. Kudos to you, my friend. Love watching your days unfold through this blog and hope that we will cross paths again very soon. XO

  4. sarah
    sarah at |

    Love todays post! Sooo excited for you guys and can’t wait to hear where this path leads you next!!

  5. sarah stonich - minneapolis author
    sarah stonich - minneapolis author at |

    I dream of downsizing from our 1908 Minneapolis home to a small condo or townhouse near the light rail so that we might get by with one car. On our little patch up north I dream of slightly upsizing from two shed-sized structures to one small complete cabin with running water (perhaps even a toilet). If I could wave a magic wand, half of our belongings would simply vanish… except the books.


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