12 Responses

  1. Sarah
    Sarah at |

    Thank you for finding my blog and sharing it with your followers, Colleen. This is a great article – I feel very honored to be associated.
    Best wishes,

  2. Karen
    Karen at |

    Love this post, Colleen. Thank you, kindred spirit, for finding words to share that seem to come from my thoughts. “Labelling experiences as good, or bad” – yes, why would I need to choose? I love all my experiences for what they are worth – and responding without stress is GREAT for my environment. Keep up the blogging, gal! I read them all.

  3. Becca
    Becca at |

    This is in line with my reading and thinking right now too..must be something in the water!
    The book that’s become my “Bible” on the subject is Katrina Kenison’s Magical Journey, An Apprenticeship in Contentment. I’ve dog-eared or underlined something on practically every page. I wrote more about the book here: http://allthingsgirl.com/2013/02/atg-review-magical-journey-an-apprenticeship-in-contentment/

  4. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    This reminds me of a phrase by Jean-Paul Sartre, the French 20th century existentialist who said “You are what you become.”

  5. Sharry Miller
    Sharry Miller at |

    Thanks, Colleen, for writing about this book. I’ve read her Not So Big House books, but I hadn’t seen this one. I’ll be getting it.

  6. Barb
    Barb at |

    Oh you are a wise woman. Love this post. It always amazes me how i am processing this stuff (in this case due to a road trip with the steps&kids this past weekend) and then voila, you write about it!


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