8 Responses

  1. Catherine Clarke
    Catherine Clarke at |

    Colleen, I love the quote and yes I don’t worry about what others think of me. I have passed this stage a long time ago! Good luck with the writing whatever the outcome. Do what pleases you.

  2. sarah
    sarah at |

    The first writers retreat I went on, I felt like a fraud – especially at the dinner table with other, published, matriculated, WORKING writers. I slept too much, read, and poked around the old estate for two weeks. And wrote maybe five pages. It turned out to be exactly what I needed…

  3. Karen
    Karen at |

    All my life I have thought that everyone was prettier, smarter, thinner ect…..now (that I am 51) I no longer think that way. I feel smart, pretty and thin. How I seem to others makes no difference to me anymore. Yes, something has changed all right! Something has shifted, snapped, moved and a break through has occurred.
    Thanks Colleen for the great reminder. Let’s all keep moving. Someone asked me today, if my life was a boat how do the waters look? I replied, smooth sailing with small gusts of wind and stormy waters! Ha! They didn’t get it. Have a safe and wonderful journey. I expect, anticipate, and down right know you will experience something! 😀

  4. Gwen Morrison
    Gwen Morrison at |

    So exciting!! Can’t wait to hear about it.


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