10 Responses

  1. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    Keep the good stories rolling, there will be another avenue to share your
    Wonderfully REAL stories that are beautifully descriptive and not genetically boring.

  2. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    Something that stinks, other than the ubiquitous feces, is being told beforehand by someone who hasn’t been to a destination what the story is to be about. Stories are revealed on the road and often something other than the original goal ends up being the real discovery. Great post, Colleen.

  3. Mandy Hale
    Mandy Hale at |

    Well, shit…I still love your travel pieces that I’ve been able to scour up, especially the two I’ve found in Adventure Cyclist. I’ll have you know that when I took my “Nature and Travel Writing” class last winter, and we were asked to bring examples of the writing of a couple of our favorites, I dragged out my back copies of AC–it was you and Willie Weir!!

  4. Stephen Sell
    Stephen Sell at |

    Quote from the Tao Te Ching (#76) pertaining to writers:

    “The hard and stiff will be broken.
    The soft and supple will prevail.”

    Please note that fresh feces is usually soft and supple.

  5. sarah
    sarah at |

    I know that type of editor, think their feces don’t stink. They think we writers are just talentless fecesheads that just sit around thinking about feces to write about. Why are they so fecal to us? Jealousy!


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