8 Responses

  1. Mandy Hale
    Mandy Hale at |

    “All you need is Love (da da da da dah with trumpet sounds)”. Ah, those Beatles. So very wise, and neither they nor we knew it deeply at the time.

  2. Karen Gamble
    Karen Gamble at |

    You have found the best way to live – I have discovered the relief of laughing – or should I say the release with laughing! And as you’ve stated, when all answers are based in love,
    the best answers have been found. Love your writing girl! Looking forward to your visit
    to Sask. next month!

  3. Karen
    Karen at |

    My favorite number from the your advice list is #3. Responding, thinking and speaking from your heart with love has always helped me. Example: the grumpy or perhaps rude sales clerk… what is going on in his/her life to make him/her behave rudely?
    Or, my favorite, when one of my children comes to me with a problem at school, work or relationship. I tell them to speak the truth from their heart. My son said to his teacher once, “why do you always ask myself and 3 other boys a question in front of the entire class when we clearly do not know the answer. If we knew the answer we would have raised our hand. It is really quite belittling and makes us feel bad about ourselves.” Spoken from his heart. He did not get into trouble by speaking his true feelings in a calm, polite manner. In fact, the teacher was speechless and it never happened again.
    Saying nothing can often work too and then laughing about the absurdity of it all. We really are a strange bunch. So yah, laughing, a very good idea!

  4. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Great advice for travel and life …especially #1. It takes care of #2 and #3 which is handy.


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