10 Responses

  1. Karen Gamble
    Karen Gamble at |

    Colleen – you ARE capable of “bottling it up”! Your words are inspired giving everyone the opportunity to share your FEELINGS of that Magnificent experience. Photos are an attempt to capture the moments – you are able to re-create with your words. I’m so happy and proud to know you and share your Magnificent Experiences. Keep the words flowing!

  2. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    Beautiful post Colleen. Because of your wonderful explanation of the sights
    and sounds and mood of the moment, I felt like I was actually there!
    There have been so many times when I have travelled where there is
    particular moments that you don’t want to forget, and feel so lucky to be
    alive. You realize something really special is happening at that moment
    and you would like to bottle it up, to access for future.
    I also have many photos on my computer that I have
    taken in many of those instances, and I cherish the memories!

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    We do try to capture everything, don’t we? I think of the tens of thousands of photos sitting on my computer… at some point the desire to ‘save the moment’ creates an incredible logjam of mass weighting down our very ability to retrieve the photographic representation. Even if we could capture it on high fidelity recording – the management of it, the accessing, the brute mechanics of it all strips it of the goosebumps, the awe, the incredible delicacy and fragility. I’ve never looked at a preserved butterfly and seen the real one in my mind’s eye either. Great post… and of course the benefit is that lacking the experience of having been there, my fertile imagination along with your evocative description creates a secondary and totally original ‘monastery in the sky’.

  4. Martha
    Martha at |

    File that wonderful goosebump memory away and recall it when you need cheering up on cold and dreary days in Vancouver. Those brilliant red poppies are blooming here too, but it’s certainly not 31C!

  5. Lesley Peterson
    Lesley Peterson at |

    I’m all for buying the independently — well, home — produced CDs of street musicians. Some of the CDs I bring home from Cuba aren’t great quality but the guerilla production methods just speak to the struggle of how many musicians live, playing for “a song”. To me, the poor quality of the recording you bought adds to the poignancy of these men so far from their birthplace staying together to sing their harmonies. It would be great if someone would make a youtube video of them so that perhaps they could be discovered and have the opportunity to make better-quality recordings that do their voices justice. Gotta support live music! It’s one of the best things about travel. Yours sounds an amazing experience…


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