4 Responses

  1. barb
    barb at |

    I heartedly concur! Karl and i have always had the theory that it is the reason that North American’s are drawn in droves to European cities and towns. Even if we can’t understand what is being said it is wonderful to feel a part of it all. Enjoy!

  2. Tillicum on Stalashen
    Tillicum on Stalashen at |

    In Vancouver, ‘dearee, it is called Robson Square’!

    I’m guessing the Art Gallery (Georgia st.) wouldn’t pass the muster.

    Or how about the downtown ‘Cenotaph’ (?).
    Where what ails you is sure to be just a ‘fix’ away.

    Please! Keep posting the pics Colleen. I feel more of need to explore
    my ‘frenchieness’ now more than ever. Salut.


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