8 Responses

  1. malika
    malika at |

    it’s very very good !!!
    a chef cuisinier français bientôt !

  2. Ray &I Judy
    Ray &I Judy at |

    Perhaps you two will need to come cycling with us after those
    holy trinity meals. Greetings from Wesel.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    This sounds so amazing… ah well, I managed to ‘cure’ mackerel for the first time. Talk about fatty! Now I have to eat it all as no one else has the palate for it. Yikes! Now I’m wanting Coq au Vin, dammnit. Look what you’ve done.

  4. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    Love your video! What a perfect first recipe to post from France! But no cognac? My family counts on singed eyebrows with their French meals.

    So jealous you can score those pearl onions and an herb grinder. Can’t wait to see what you’ll cook next!


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