16 Responses

  1. Rick Rake
    Rick Rake at |

    Wow … France! My wife’s dream. (www.betweenthevines.ca and www.rickrake.com) We know of someone with a 200 year old home in the Loire ..that may be our saving grace as we dream about the south of France.
    Great job with the blog, Colleen.

  2. Tillicum on Stalashen
    Tillicum on Stalashen at |

    “je voudrais un avocat.”
    Hmmm. Doesn’t that translate into: “I need a lawyer”?
    Must say I’m envious of you and Kevin galavanting around France,
    what with your ‘pieds å terre’ and all. Looking forward to more of your
    shared adventure.

  3. Carol Perehudoff
    Carol Perehudoff at |

    Oh, wow. Have a great time. Mark and I rented a villa in France two years ago and loved loved loved it. This August we’re doing 3 weeks in a little stone farmhouse in Umbria – hope it’s as good. If not, we’ll head to Beauvoisin. And by then it should be warm.

  4. sarah
    sarah at |

    I love your description of yourself. “…almost-six-foot, snorkingly-loud woman” !! How many times have some of us felt unwieldy and not quite a ‘fit’ in small and charming paces of history. Being assumed a German is a common enough occurrence for many of us travelers who are ‘fair’ I always fudge (okay, LIE) and and say I’m Canadian. I mean lie. Enjoy France and pale strawberries.

  5. Ray &I Judy
    Ray &I Judy at |

    Sounds like you have settled in rather well. Lamb, Coq Au Vin Sounds wonderful. If we start cycling south from Amsterdam instead of east we could make it for dinner by June 27.
    We are loving Amsterdam. A little Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Heineken. We could spend days looking out a cafe window watching all different bikes, attire and cargo ride by. We hit the road on Sunday.

  6. barb
    barb at |

    it all sounds marvelous! i’m so happy for you both. “hooray for everything” is going to be my new slogan as well.

  7. Martha
    Martha at |

    I’ve posted twice on a previous blog but the msg disappears when I hit Submit. Here’s my question: are you planning any trips in the direction of Italy? If so, pay a visit to Frejus – approx 2 1/2 hr drive from Beauvoisin. I remember narrow streets with laundry hanging above, thick walls, so old it’s medieval. Wonder if it’s changed during the past 47 years.
    Doesn’t matter if the weather is cool, bec it’s much worse here with rain and hail ALL week. Strawberries won’t be ready for at least another month. Enjoy!

  8. vivien passerini
    vivien passerini at |

    Colleen!!!!! You’ve succeeded in coming over and spending a couple of months in France! I am thrilled for you! Enjoy! You look wonderful! I’ll be going to Canada end of July and hoping to see you around mid-August. How exciting everything is! A dear Aussie friend of mine saw a little VW Combi van a few months ago and it looked as though it had been touring around. On the back it read, “Hooray for everything!”
    And so be it: HOORAY FOR EVERYTHING!!!!


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