15 Responses

  1. Judy
    Judy at |

    You’re too funny. Love the post—especially the all important predictable and creative ‘coffee’ inclusion. Hard to top that!

  2. Sharry
    Sharry at |

    I always set my watch to the new time zone as soon as I board the plane, mostly because I like to know how long I have until I get there. I also immediately adapt to whatever the local time is; of course, that’s easier if I arrive in the middle of the night! So far, no jet lag on my adventure through Asia.

    Now, how do I conquer hideously swollen feet after 24 hours of traveling?

  3. Amy
    Amy at |

    I do everything you do (especially the chocolate) but I’ve never tried the melatonin. Is it easy to find? Also, how did I miss the fact that you left already? Bon Voyage! Is this your year in France?

  4. Susie
    Susie at |

    I’m with Kevin -Cheers!

  5. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    Hi Colleen, it’s Karen’s friend Jennifer Marquis. I love your blog!! It is so funny because my husband and I were just talking about jet lag as we are heading to Europe this summer. He has a terrible time recovering from jet lag so we are going to follow your ideas! It’s funny how some people, like me, just don’t seem to be affected by it and others like my husband find it really difficult. We found out that one of our daughters is just like me and one is just like David when we made our las trip to Paris a few years ago. We were there for a couple hours, we were all dozing and Jess sat right up and announced “We’ve come all the way to Paris and all we are going to do is sleep????” So Jess and I headed out for a walk around while Emma and David slept. Have to say I will never forget as we came around a corner and there was the Eiffel Tower and Jess’ eyes went so big and her mouth just hung open, she was speechless! Looking forward to trying out all your helpful hints in July 🙂

  6. Laurie Beeman
    Laurie Beeman at |

    thanks for the tips!! I will put this in my travel folder for future referance!!
    Looks like you are having a wonderful time,
    It is great to live vicariously through you!!

  7. Jana
    Jana at |

    But Colleen, doesn’t the coffee at 3 p.m. and the chocolate after dinner mess with your ability to sleep?? I can’t do that in my own time zone!

  8. Laurie
    Laurie at |

    I have been thinking of you and Kevin so much the last couple of days, and looking forward to my Paris fix, so thanks for being so dad-blasted regular with your posting! The first time I went to Europe with Diane and Haley, Di headed off for her business event and Haley and I thought we would take ‘a little nap’. That turned into 4 days of topsy-turvy coma-like sleeps and the oddest awake times ever. Second time went immediately to the time I arrived in and stayed up til regular bedtime… perfect. Even coming back I was not tired at all.

    Can’t wait to get tomorrow’s posting from The Travel Front.


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