12 Responses

  1. barb
    barb at |

    Hey you, take B12 deficiency very seriously as it can lead to some pretty serious health issues. If you really want to feel better before your trip you can ask for an infusion of the stuff, pretty marvelous. Hope your doc told you to take the pill that you put under your tongue or you are wasting your money. The plan is to make sure you have the zest of life in hand to enjoy France!

  2. Karen
    Karen at |

    I will follow up, thanks Colleen. Someone told me once that “normal” is just a setting on your dryer.

  3. Karen
    Karen at |

    Yesterday, just yesterday, I taught my usual stretch class and I felt like I had marbles in my mouth, cotton balls down my throat and silly putty in my brain. I was a little startled and somewhat worried. Strangely enough I was craving a steak, so I went out and had one. Your blog makes me feel better and perhaps a little closer to normal. Thank you.

  4. Michele Peterson
    Michele Peterson at |

    I was just telling Javier about the time I went with “whats her name” to see “what was that movie again?” and I could see him trying hard to think of a response. Looks like it’s time for some B12 for me.

  5. Martha
    Martha at |

    Wow, B12, sounds like a great remedy so I hope it helps. Hope you’re also taking calcium & magnesium (50/50 blend) with Vit D and zinc to stay healthy.
    As for speaking your mind, that comes with getting older, wiser and menopause. After going through a couple of years of ups, downs and crazies, I became more confident to speak out and not care so much about what others might think. The symptoms do eventually ease — staying fit and healthy really helps.

  6. Becca
    Becca at |

    Not a bad prescription, either! Hopefully that helps and you’ll be sharp as a tack again in no time!


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